Feast of St. John Chrysostom - 2014
Fall Celebration 2014
See Slideshow. Fall Celebration for parish children following Evening service for St. John of Krondstadt.
Flooring Renovation 2014
September 2013 - FOCUS St. Louis
March 2014
This past week was the anniversary of our Fr. Christopher's ordination to the priesthood - he has been a priest for 24 years!
Christ is Risen!
Easter 2013
Here are some of the pictures from Palm Sunday, Holy Friday and Pascha 2013.
(35 images)
Our kulichi for Easter 2013
New Cross
Easter Baking (Kulichi) 2012
Church picnic
Parish Feast 2010
Nativity January 7, 2009
Bell Workshop, October 4-5, 2008
Double Wedding with Twins, August 31, 2008
St John Chrysostom Symposium Sept 30, 2007
Parish Feast 2006